Natural “lysol’ Spray

interior of apartment with potted plants on cupboard near sofa

This past weekend I went down south to clean my condo to get it prepared for the summer season. I was extremely excited to begin bleaching, scrubbing, and deep cleaning my place. Before I give you the recipe, let me tell you…I have a love hate relationship with bleach. I love bleach because mentally I think how wonderfully it cleans everything and I love how it makes things look new again, but physically I cannot tolerate bleach at all…if I am around bleach for too long you’ll find me needing my Epi Pen. 

When I was in the middle of the bathroom cleaning, I decided to bleach some of the rough spots needing a nice little touch up and I could literally feel the reaction coming on. I ran outside a bit irritated that my cleaning regimen was already being interrupted. So I decided to change back to my old ways, the way my mum had to clean when I was extremely allergic to everything under the sun and having anaphylactic reactions daily. My mum’s non toxic ‘Lysol’ spray was her own concoction she spinned off other recipes from online, but she found it worked much more effectively. It had the power of bleach, a fresh clean scent, and chemical free. Why didn’t I do this from the start?! 

Natural ‘Lysol’

-2 cups isopropyl alcohol
-1/2 tsp hydrogen peroxide
-Peel of 1 orange (Let sit in the alcohol for at least two hours prior to using) 
-20 drops of tea tree oil
-10 drops of lemon oil
-10 drops of lavender oil 
-10 drops of eucalyptus oil

Fill remainder of the bottle with distilled water


Once I got the fan going in the condo bathroom and rinsed the bleach I applied the Natural Lysol to the spaces needing extra attention. In areas I needed to scrub I did use a bit of a baking soda paste (just water and baking soda) to help remove build up. I will never purchase another cleaner as long as I have access to these ingredients!! 

Let me know your thoughts. I look forward to continue sharing my nontoxic living journey with you all. 

