Meet Katherine Our Health Coach!

My Name is Katherine, I’m an AADP board certified holistic health coach. I graduated from IIN and continue to study exercise physiology. I felt called to health coaching when my own life turned upside down. I was diagnosed with POTS, Ehlers Danlos Syndrome, CIRS, Lyme Disease, and Mold Illness. I became unable to function normally. I could no longer tolerate certain foods and spices. Chemical sensitivities became a major obstacle in my life almost overnight. Some other symptoms I experienced were low blood pressure, tachycardia, heart palpitations, dizziness, lightheadedness, brain fog, allergies, asthma, nausea, IBS, acid reflux, hypothyroidism, extreme anxiety, chronic pain, tremors, muscle spasms, weakness, dislocations, eczema, migraines, visual changes (auras, floaters, flashing lights, etc.). The reason I list all of these symptoms is for you to see that I have been through it, and no symptom is too unusual to talk about with me. I literally thought I was dying, and no one would ever figure out why. I went to countless doctors and specialists and received many misdiagnoses. Because of this, I really had to become my own advocate. I began to look at the root causes of my illnesses and made lots of lifestyle and diet changes. I learned a lot about how food can trigger episodes and make symptoms worse. It didn’t take long before I started doing much better, and people noticed. I received tons of messages on the internet asking to help them or their relatives suffering from POTS. That’s what led me to health coaching. I felt called to help people like me and wanted to find a way to do it professionally.

My journey made me realize that some doctors don’t dig very deep into the root cause of illness. Ever heard the saying, “a pill for every ill”, that’s essentially what some doctors do. They prescribe a pill for the issue, instead of finding the root cause and healing the problem. That’s why I’m so excited to be partnered with Dr. Rachel Long. She has a very similar story to mine and together we will get to the bottom of what’s causing your illness and help you feel better. I think our team is so unique because we understand what it’s like to be ill and we use the same methods we recommend for you to heal ourselves. 

So, you’re probably thinking, what exactly is a health coach anyway? Just as a sports coach can help an athlete develop and excel at a sport, a health coach can help anyone excel at living their life, especially if they have chronic medical conditions. No other health profession has the unique skill set health coaches do. That’s why health coaching fills a critical gap in our healthcare system. Health coaches give individualized advice about food and lifestyle changes, time management, how to reach specific goals, mindset issues, pain relief ideas, recommendations on doctors, additional testing, reducing chemical exposure, weight management, and recommendations on ways to heal such as ozone and PEMF therapy. I also do a lot of education on the physiological processes of the body and my client’s specific illness. I believe to heal it’s important to understand the why behind our body’s malfunctioning. I also like to look at areas of your life that impact your short and long-term health just as much as the food you eat. These are things like relationships, career, spirituality, physical activity, and environment.  I work with people that suffer from all kinds of chronic illnesses, but I specialize in POTS, EDS, Mold, Lyme, IBS, Mast Cell. I studied a variety of dietary theories and practical lifestyle coaching methods.

I absolutely love what I do because I get to by my clients support system. My motto is “I want to be the person I wish I had when I was sick”. Natural medicine, knowledge, and lifestyle changes allowed me to get my life back and I’m determined to help you do the same!