About Rachel

Given everything I’ve learned over the years and with my dedication to helping people stay healthy, I founded Well with Rae to teach you about natural health and wellness so you could obtain optimal health on your own.

2020 was an odd year for us all. During the shutdown my business operations were halted for some time and I was inspired to keep on educating others on holistic health. I expanded the brand into health and lifestyle: Be Well, Eat Well, Live Well.

I began my educational career at Liberty University, completed my training as a Doctor of Naturopathy, have earned various natural health certifications along the way, and am now pursuing a PhD to continue expanding my network and knowledge base to keep educating you.

While I love all things related to natural health, I also am a fan of the beach, business endeavors, iced coffee, and lots of laughs. Life is about moderation and enjoying the journey, right?

Check out my book “Living Life 
in the Lymelight”

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