About Katherine

Katherine Gordon is a Certified Health Coach. She received her training from the Institute for Integrative Nutrition and is certified by the American Association of Drugless Practitioners. After being diagnosed with POTS, IBS, Ehlers-Danlos syndrome, CIRS, Lyme disease and Mold illness, she has utilized regular and natural medicine on her own personal health journey. As a result of her experiences and lifestyle changes, she has gained knowledge that has allowed her to get her life back. As your health coach, she’s determined to help you to do the same!

Book with Katherine for a 30 minute Telehealth consult to discuss supplement, dietary, holistic remedies for current issues (cough, cold, UTI, allergies ++)

This is not an initial consult visit for Well with Rae. All Telehealth appointments are for basic needs/natural health remedies to help support the body holistically.

Book an online Telehealth session