How A Health Coaching Session Can Help You

Health coaching sessions are a great option if you’re struggling to afford a naturopathic consultation. Here at Well With Rae, Dr. Long and I work closely together to help give you the best care possible. If you’ve already seen Dr. Long, and are ready to start implementing the changes she recommended, or if you want to see where you can start on your own first, a health coaching session is perfect for you. Each session is 50 minutes and completely individualized, there’s no one size fits all when it comes to health coaching. In other words, you’re being given completely personalized advice whether you’re being seen for a health condition, weight loss, etc.

 A Holistic Health Coaching Session Will:

  • Teach you to recognize and respond to worsening signs and symptoms This could be as simple as helping you establish an action plan for when you feel unwell, so that you feel more in control of the situation. It could also be recommending additional testing or supplements to get to the bottom of why your symptoms are worsening and how to stop that process. Together we will explore the root cause of your specific issue.

  • Give you nutritional guidanceTogether we’ll discuss what foods will help you feel your best and why. I personally like to take foods you love or grew up with and find healthy ways to incorporate them into your life.

  • Educate you on your health conditions, as well as the anatomy and physiology behind them It’s important when starting your wellness journey to understand the why behind the malfunctions in the body, that way you fully understand why you’re making the lifestyle changes.

  • Help you identify your triggersThis is a big one. There’s lots of things such as food, chemicals, stress, fatigue, and even viruses that can be triggers for our bodies. I help you recognize what specific things trigger your symptoms and teach you how to avoid and cope with them.

  • Offer emotional support and motivation- Assisting with the emotional impact of your health journey or illness is extremely helpful when it comes to treating symptoms. Chronic illness can make you feel very alone and isolated, a health coaching session can help you feel less alone. You’ll get support and have a safe space to vent. I’m also trained in how to facilitate positive behavior change to keep you motivated and reach your goals and will be your accountability partner.

  • Help you navigate the world of healthcareI teach you how to prepare for your medical appointments and will be your professional patient advocate to ensure that your voice is heard, and your concerns are not dismissed. Connecting you with suggestions, resources, and referrals can be extremely helpful.

  • Help overcoming setbacks You’ll receive one on one support navigating the things that are setting you back, and help figuring out what’s keeping you from reaching your health goals.

  • Teaching coping skills There’s many different coping skills that a health coach can guide you through such as: the importance of pacing yourself, how to improve the quality of your sleep, how to support optimal functioning of the vagus nerve, and other helpful therapies such as PEMF and Ozone that we offer here at the wellness center.

  • Give you a personalized planWhen you work with a health coach they help you asses where you’re at, and make a completely personalized plan to fit your specific health needs and goals.

  • Help you implement Dr. Longs (or your doctors) recommendationsHealth coaches are filling a vital gap between patients and doctors. The whole session is dedicated to fully listening to you and taking your health concerns seriously.

If you want to feel your best and need that extra little bit of motivation, support, education, or aren’t sure where to start, book your health coaching session today 717-660-2320.