Lyme disease & Ozone

If I asked you what the most necessary things in life are, you may say food and water. But if I ask you to hold your breath for one minute without oxygen, you would realize oxygen is crucial. (Food you can go weeks without, water days without, and oxygen only minutes without). Oxygen is crucial to our bodies because it allows our cells to produce energy (obviously the most needed aspect to sustain health and life). 

The scientific community says ozone therapy causes a domino effect of positive reactions in the body. Science shows ozone therapy increases oxygen efficiency, but you may not realize oxygen efficiency is different from breathing oxygen. 

Breathing delivers oxygen to the body, but efficiency describes how the oxygen is being used in the cells. Unlike oxygen therapies, ozone increases O2 levels inside the cell. O3 therapy (the ozone contains an extra molecule of oxygen making it O3) makes the mitochondrial chain more efficient. Ozone stimulates and enhances the natural healing mechanisms your body was already born with which is what Naturopathic medicine is all about; allowing and encouraging the body to heal itself by ‘resetting’ the bodies natural healing mechanisms. 

Ozone does not cure but can address many different ailments in the ebody. Ozone is not a drug or a supplement forcing a chemical change within the body. Your body already has the things it requires to heal on its own. Ozone activates those natural healing switches and responses, allowing them to turn on and give your body the power to fight against illness or damage. 

Many think because ozone is an oxidant, it would not help reduce oxidative stress in the body. Oxidative stress often presents as an injury. But free antioxidants and anti-oxidative enzymes help protect cells from oxidation and inflammation. Ozone therapy activates Nrf2 via moderate oxidative stress while suppressing the overall inflammatory response. This is how it can offer protection against neurodegenerative diseases (lyme, Parkinson’s, Alzheimers). 

You probably already know a strong immune system is able to fight disease in the body much better than any drug. Ozone gives the body the ability to regulate and bring the body’s balance to a state of stability. If an immune system is overactive, ozone will calm it down and if the immune system is falling short, the ozone will boost the immune system. Ozone allows the body to balance out its own immune system. 

More benefits from ozone include: 

  • An increase in energy
  • Reduction in mental fog
  • Help reduce pain & inflammation
  • Weight loss (this ozone sauna can burn up to 600 calories per half hour!) 
  • Increase in overall energy
  • Improvement in blood circulation
  • Detoxification of the cells 

A recent study conducted proved intravenous ozone (directly in the vein) is not necessary. This is a new form of ozone delivery some claim can offer greater or faster results. However, the results of ozone therapy overall include: improved nutrient exchange in the cells and the removal of underside byproducts in the body. 

Many question ozone as a treatment modality because ozone is not FDA approved. Despite the lack of FDA approval, though, ozone therapy is a rapidly growing therapy offered in Dubai, China, Italy, Russia, Spain, Switzerland, Greece, and Brazil. Ozone has very little chance of FDA approval due to it not being patent-able, not to mention FDA approval requires millions of dollars and ozone is simple oxygen which is cheap. 

The primary risks in ozone therapies occur with breathing in the gas within a poorly ventilated system (we have proper ventilation for this!) or sending an air embolism through the body when utilizing intravenous delivery (we do not offer IV ozone as we find it not to be necessary). 

As you do your research, you must consider if ozone feels right for you. The proof lies with those who have seen the benefits. Living with Lyme disease myself since I was a young girl, the changes my body has undergone since beginning ozone therapies are undeniable. I continue using them as a maintenance therapy to sustain my health today. Could ozone be a huge component to our future healthcare? 

To inquire about our available ozone therapy options, please contact our office at: 717-660-2320. One of our assistants can explain the various methods of delivery we offer, pricing options, and at home options.  

We will be releasing a subscription topic that is more in depth on the topic of ozone soon to answer even more questions and bring more credit to this amazing natural modality many in the USA have yet to take advantage of.