Boost Your Immune System!

We are all given a natural immune system from God. During this time of the year viruses (ahem), colds, and flu is a BIG topic. 

I got you covered with some holistic ways to balance out and protect the your immune system:

  1. Rectal Ozone: Rectal ozone is a gift from the Gods! This product is super high in gammas compared to what I can offer clients in office and can be administered yourself at home! Ozone helps boost your immune system if it is low, and if one’s immune system is overactive balances it out. (This high gamma can be purchased at our clinic). 
  2. Check your diet! Are you eating five different colors of veggies and fruits daily? I tell those I work with to focus on eating five veggies daily and two low sugar fruits. Get your antioxidants in without having to take excess supplements. It also is nice to implement strategies like this to get in the habit of eating more ‘clean’ foods and you’ll have less 
  3. A good quality digestive enzyme. Not only does this protect the gut, help digest foods and help pull more from foods, it also helps break down biofilms/fungus/molds that could be hindering your bodies optimal immune response. 
  4. Good Supplementation: NAC (let’s boost your glutathione!), Lauricidin, Vitamin D, Liposomal C (5 tsp daily- 5g daily), liquid zinc, & prebiotic powder. 
  5. Are you sleeping? Remember, your body heals at times of rest. Ensure you are getting proper sleep every night and enough of it! 
  6. WATER. You are made up of mostly water. THIS IS A HUGE COMPONENT IN ALL NATURAL HEALING TECHNIQUES AND MODALITIES. Drink the water. Period. 

Interested in some of these options? Connect with us and our dispensary to order your ozone, discounted supplements if you mention this post, or schedule a phone call to discuss the best ways to support your immune system with an individualized plan. (717)-660-2320.