Imagine Back Tracking Through Your Life. Your Cellular Health Life…

When we talk about getting to the root cause of illness many doctors approach this differently. I believe the majority of the secret lies within the mitochondria of the cell, but we will talk about that another day! Today I want to discuss how us purging and finding root causes intracellular to your physical symptoms is often like a scavenger hunt. As we dig deeper and deeper in the cells via our cell testing we are able to find your personal root causes. These root causes differ for many. Many who come to me with Lyme disease may end up having a different root cause that weakened the body in the first place…so don’t take a chronic illness diagnosis as a death sentence. Something else could in fact be keeping you from feeling bad. 

Back to root causes, in order for us to discover the root causes keeping you ill, I call this your backtracking period. As you purge with each custom cell bottle (yes, they are different each time you test as your cell changes and purges becoming stronger), you may experience symptoms from years prior as we ‘dig things up’. Some people say, “I’ve been doing this for six months and I feel worse like I did back in 2017, why???” As we dig deeper and deeper your body purging can cause what we call a herxheimer reaction making you feel worse. We can dilute drops, supplements, etc to keep the body more comfortable). Personally, when I was going through this treatment modality I loved when the cell testing drops made me feel worse because I knew they were doing their job! 

…They are not just water and voo doo like some physicians believe, but again this is way too big of a topic to discuss today!…

Does cellular purging and herxheimer reactions require mental stamina? Yes. Does this program require commitment? Yes. The programs we use are different and I know this is why we have a higher success rate compared to herbal protocols. If you come before it’s too late we can help the body eliminate bad cells, root causes which may be keeping one ill, and create a healthier mitochondria which is the basis of quality health when living with a chronic illness.