Essential Oils & Hormones

Can we take a minute to talk about essential oils? I know what you’re thinking! Oh no, another crazy lady telling me how an oil fixed her just to get me to buy her products. Wrong!

This month on the blog we are focusing on women’s hormones. So, before you go and judge this blog post, keep reading. Some people ingest oils, some people diffuse oils, but personally, I love the benefits of applying my favorite essential oils on my feet!

In my world of health (hey hey all my ND’s and natural health enthusiast friends!!), there are various reflex points on the feet…kind of like a road map to your body. Applying essential oils on the soles of the feet can actually help activate the benefits from the oil faster and more efficiently.

Clary sage oil is my personal favorite at the moment. Clary sage is a Mediterranean oil. According to Medical News Today, clary sage oil has been shown to lower blood pressure, relieve anxiety, and can have a positive effect on memory and mental function.

Just a drop or two of this oil diluted and rubbed on the feet could help promote dopamine hormone production, reduce cortisol levels, and balance the excess estrogen in the body. But there’s an entire list of other oils that are great for other reasons so I’m listing them below!

Cramps: massage blend, marjoram, basil, women monthly blend, soothing blend.
Infertility: thyme, clary sage, cell complex blend, yang yang, detox blend
Breastfeeding: clary sage, basil, fennel, geranium
Increased Milk supply: fennel, dill, cardamom, lavender, clary sage
Hot flashes: women monthly, peppermint, eucalyptus, clary sage, tension blend