About Kelli

Kelli Heebner is a Certified Traditional Naturopath and Certified Holistic Health Practitioner. She earned her certifications from Trinity School of Natural Health. In addition, she is also a Registered Nurse, graduating from Lancaster General School of Nursing and Franklin and Marshall College, in Lancaster, PA where she earned her A.S. degree. Kelli’s skills and knowledge of traditional, allopathic medicine, as well as her nursing experience in home health & hospice, gives her the opportunity to bridge client care and provide holistic, natural health care. Her passion for natural health and wellness expands over 30 years and she looks forward to helping you on your journey to improved health and wellness.

Book with Kelli for a 30 minute Telehealth consult to discuss supplement, dietary, holistic remedies for current issues (cough, cold, UTI, allergies ++)

This is not an initial consult visit for Well with Rae. All Telehealth appointments are for basic needs/natural health remedies to help support the body holistically.

Book an online Telehealth session