Black Oxygen…trend or truth?

What is black oxygen? 

Black oxygen is the brand name of mud. (They know how to make mud sound classy….haha). The mud is full of humid and fulvic acids coming from decomposition of plants over many years. The fulvic and humic acids can help influence the oxidative state of cells, improve digestion, and boost the immune system! 

How black oxygen can help your mitochondria? 

We focus on mitochondria in our office and overall testing procedures to get our clients well. Individuals who have a mitochondrial dysfunction can benefit from this dietary supplement allowing the human cell to be able to absorb oxygen again for the energy needed to get its primary job done. An increase in energy is coming as oxygen metabolism improves the speed of cell regeneration. The mitochondria can communicate with cells again allowing the detoxification process to continue. 

How Black Oxygen can help you? 

Our clients are reporting: 

-An increase in energy
-Clearer skin
-Improved gut health through parasite cleansing 
-Improved clinical lab work due to mitochondria ‘turning back on’

We will be offering black oxygen at a very low price for the month of August and September, as well as, detox sessions via ionic foot bath + Black Oxygen powder for a greater effect. 

Contact us at 717-660-2320 or 717-496-8553