Halotherapy: How salt is beneficial to your health…

The Wellness Center Salt Cave

Do you find yourself breathing better, seeing skin improvements, and feeling more relaxed when at the beach? Sure, we could contribute a small piece of those improvements to you being on vacation, but the larger percentage of credit should be given to SALT! Because salt is rich in minerals, absorbs toxins, and promotes the healing process in the body it’s no wonder our body feels the improvements.

There are different grades/types of salts which we will cover in another blog post…today our focus is on Himalayan salt and halotherapy. 

The Wellness Center Salt Cave

Halotherapy was discovered in the 1800s by Polish miners who noticed their exposure to the Himalayan salt mines offered them positive results in respiratory, immune and skin health. Benefits of regular salt therapy sessions include: improves skin condition through minimizing inflammation and clearing clogged follicles, helps support and detox the respiratory tract by gently acting as a mucolytic cleaning the lungs of allergens and mucous, and can help ease anxiety and depression through negative ions released from the Himalayan salt allowing you to feel refreshed and relaxed. 

Our hidden Himalayan gem at The Wellness Center holds 17000 pounds of salt, meaning one 45 minute session is equivalent to you being on the beach for three days. Come get salty with us. 

Schedule your salt cave session below: