Prophylactic Measures for COVID-19

woman holding face mask

Pre COVID-19. Do you remember those days? Because I sure do! I miss being able to live a normal life..sigh. There’s a totally new normal and I’m not entirely sure I like it. I’m certain many of you feel the same way…

Nonetheless, I’m sharing my personal experience on the blog today.  I’m not going to get into anything worth debating or political, and please don’t take what I say as a ‘do all save all’ for this virus or as a prophylactic measure. I’m simply just speaking from my experience and from clients who I am currently working with on prophylactic protocols that have been successful far.

woman holding face mask

I got diagnosed with COVID-19 the week after Christmas 2020. I felt weak, achey, and feverish. I took my first COVID test; negative. I continued to be careful and work from home as I wasn’t feeling well. Better safe than sorry. Two days later I was cutting an onion (normally I am in tears when I cut an onion) as I was putting the onion in the frying pan it hit me, I didn’t cry! I quickly sniffed in the pan and took a deep inhale in, I realized I couldn’t smell the onion AT ALL. Weird. I made a cup of coffee, couldn’t smell the coffee, I took a sip…couldn’t even taste the coffee. UGH.  I had a slight freak out moment. And I knew I had the virus. So, I went back to test again and sure enough one week later results revealed; positive for COVID-19. The worst was day 5 and 7 with a high fever and body aches. Nothing terrible.

While my case was mild compared to many who suffered in the hospital, I will say this virus has left me with some odd after effects…

  1. I don’t taste food like I used to. In fact almost everything tastes like a chemical. I miss the flavors. 
  2. I can’t smell much…good or bad. It’s odd. 
  3. Fatigue comes on much faster and my blood pressure runs lower. I do believe it triggered some of the old Lyme symptoms, but fatigue is nothing unusual for post viral issues.
top view of various pills and vitamins placed in diverse utensil on marble board

While there are still a lot of unknowns with this virus I’m giving some of my top recommendations as a prophylaxis protocol which I have to admit I was not taking religiously like I should have been. Practice what I preach much?!…I’m working on it…

Some tips I have when trying to help rebuild/reboost the immune system: 
-Get proper amounts of sleep! Sleep is when your body repairs itself. 
-Drink half your bodyweight in ounces of water. Dehydration strains the body making, mind, and immune system. 
-Take quality supplements: 

Liposomal Vitamin C- helps white blood cells fight infections
Vitamin D- Studies have proven low Vitamin D levels can put people at a greater risk for respiratory conditions
Zinc 50 mg or less- helps cells function normally
Astragalus- used in Chinese Medicine for immune support
NAC- a great amino acid acting as a mucolytic
Selenium- a mineral essential to immune health
B Complex- B12 and B6 specifically are essential for the immune system
Curcumin- an anti- inflammatory that supports immune health and function
Digestive Enzymes- keep your gut healthy this is where 70% of your immune system is housed. 

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Have any of you had COVID experiences? I would love to hear your stories!

