Why Soil Is Hindering Your Health

What if I told you, you can’t get all your nutrients through food alone? While we focus heavily on nutrition, it should not be the ONLY focus. I remember when I was working on my undergrad at Liberty University, we had to do class introductions explaining our jobs, goals with the class, etc. During my presentation, I announced I had my supplement line (SunRae Wellness, this was prior to me becoming certified in Naturopathy, and I focused more on sports nutrition supplementation). My professor quickly replied, “Supplements are not needed, and you can get all of your nutrients through diet alone!” While I did not know what to think…I was a bit humiliated by her statement in front of the class but also questioning all my experience with past physicians who helped me get well. Were they really rip offs? Did I not need all the supplements?

To really begin this discussion, we must first understand our food choices really do impact our lives. We have been taught to shop around the edges of the grocery store, because that is where the nutrition lies, but unfortunately, the edges of the grocery store are now lacking nutrition as well. Now, I’m not saying go grab the snack cakes instead of an apple, but if we compare today’s produce to our grandmas produce 20 years ago the nutrient density is very different. Why the lack of nutrition in our food today? The answer is in our farming practices.

We know that GMO and Non-organic foods can be detrimental to our health, but even if the produce is organic and non-GMO it is still lacking in nutrients. Why? Because, even if you buy organic produce, organic farmers are still using pesticides and herbicides, which results in growing plants in nutrient depleted soil. Pesticides and herbicides damage the soil killing beneficial microorganisms. We need these microorganisms to create humus. When plants or bugs die, microorganisms help decompose organic matter into humus. We get humic acid and fulvic acid from this humus. Humic and fulvic acids act as chelators, which means they bind to nutrients and help the plants absorb them more easily. They help elements such as calcium, iron, magnesium, zinc, and manganese be absorbed by the plant. Humic acid conditions the soil and helps it retain nutrients and water. Fulvic acid forms bonds with minerals like magnesium and helps deposit these minerals into the cells of the plant. Without these two elements the crops that are grown, that we later eat, don’t have all the nutrients we need to be healthy.

When we really look at how our food affects us, we need to look at the root of the issue, the soil depletion in modernized farming. “We are overfed but undernourished”, even eating completely balanced will not allow you to meet all the nutrient requirements for optimal cell performance. When the body does not have the necessary elements to function correctly, your body must work harder than it should each day, and will eventually break down as a result.

Now you’re probably thinking, So, how do you get the proper nutrition you need daily? While we believe in focusing on a very balanced, nutritious diet, we also believe that supplementation is a must for anyone, not just those who are ill. 

Call 717-660-2320 to schedule your Naturopathic Consult or Health Coaching Session to explore how to get all the proper vitamins and minerals you need to be your healthiest self.


A. (2019, February 28). Why are Humic and Fulvic Acids so good for plants? Greengold Farms | Hydroponics Growers, Design Build Greenhouse, Consulting. https://www.greengoldfarms.net/plant-care/humic-fulvic-acids-plants/

Fulvic Acid Supplements for Mineral Deficiency – Nature’s Fulvic Acid – Vitamins – Minerals – Acid Reflux. (2020, June 27). Nature’s Fulvic. https://naturesfulvic.com/fulvic-acid-information/fulvic_acid_supplements/

Team, T. A. N. (2021, September 1). Harnessing The Benefits Of Humic And Fulvic Acid For Crops. Advanced Nutrients Ltd. https://www.advancednutrients.com/articles/humic-fulvic-acid-for-plants/